About VSParticle

At VSParticle we are passionate about innovation in nanotech for meaningful purposes.

Scientists worldwide are constantly seeking solutions to global challenges like climate change and population growth. Advanced materials, particularly nano-structured materials, are crucial for innovations in batteries, sensors, fuel cells, and industrial catalysts. Nano-sized materials exhibit unique properties due to quantum mechanics, offering new possibilities.

VSParticle accelerates materials development for next-generation products by enabling the synthesis and deposition of nanoparticles at the push of a button. This technology empowers university researchers and commercial R&D teams to create revolutionary new materials and solutions.

Our Mission

Reducing time to market from 15 years to 1 year. Historically, the discovery and development of new materials can take multiple decades; time we no longer have to find timely solutions and facilitate necessary transitions. Despite improvements, it still typically takes an average of 15 years to bring a new material to market today.​

Our Vision 

Urgent solutions needed to combat global challenges

In order to maintain human life on earth for the centuries to come, we must urgently address significant challenges such as climate change, the energy crisis, poverty, and water and food shortages.

New materials will drive impactful solutions

Technology and material innovation are crucial for addressing these global challenges. To transition away from fossil fuels, for example, we need to develop new systems that deliver clean energy carriers like green hydrogen. Nanomaterials with enhanced functionalities will enable the clean and efficient production of these systems. However, many of these novel materials have yet to be discovered.

Our promise

Everything we do at VSParticle contributes to our promise: unlocking a century of material innovation in the next decade. VSParticle supports customers with new technology and tools to accelerate every step of the material development process. From fundamental discovery to high-thoughput screening to mass production. By impacting every step of the process the overall time of 15 years could be reduced to 1.

Prof. Andreas Schmidt-Ott discovered during his PhD that nanoparticles could be made through spark ablation.

In 2013 an essential patent was filed on a new design to scale spark ablation to higher frequencies and more mass output.

VSPARTICLE was founded with the goal of making nanoparticle production available at the touch of a button

Achieved recognition by winning the TU Delft Startup competition.

We launched the first series of G1 Alpha devices, secured by orders from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), and two TU Delft faculties led by Wilson Smith and Marcel Tichem.

Secured a $2 million in Seed1 investment from Invaco Management and successfully delivered the first three G1 Alpha devices.

Launched the VSP-P1 and VSP-S1 devices, started the P1 Pilot Line development with a €370,000 LEE-BED subsidy, and secured new distributors in China and Japan.

VSP-G1 sales have reached 10 units, expanded into the US market with a new distributor, and the VSP-S1 has been successfully delivered to Utrecht University.

To advance SERS development, we’ve installed two new printers, increasing our production capacity for SERS chips to 5,000 per month.

Secured a $4 million investment from BlueYard Capital, produced the first batch of 6 VSP-P1 Alpha devices, and intensified our focus on CCM development in collaboration with DIFFER.

Our collaboration with DIFFER has led to the first publication on PEM WE, marking a significant advancement in VSPARTICLE technology.

Plural Platforms invested €7 million in Series A1 funding. We launched the VSP-P1, secured orders for 12 additional units, and doubled our team to 40 employees.